, Andrej Karpathy
spider arXiv unidecode ()
strip all characters except [a-z][A-Z][0-9][_-()]
RNN size, 2
layers, 30
max epochs, 0.5
sequence length, 0.002
learning rate, 0.97
decay, 50
batch size
Took top cross-validated model (sometimes error exploded!).
q-bio.CB (1.48)
A Mathematical model
stochastic model of cells
The single cells
Model of protocells
Mathematical self-oscillation
Formation of Plasticity
Semantic Based Medical Image Retrieval
Structure Generation Entropy Space: Advances in Structural Mechanism
Monitoring E- A complete systems
Description Logics Design
Indexer Based Markov Control Assessment
Estimation of Approximate Datasets
Local Search Space Selection for Text Constraints
Approximation by Space Preferences
Availability of Probability Theory
math.DS (0.91)
Multifractal analysis for Lebesgue space
Quadratic Jump Central Triangles
Turbulence relations and fractal measures
Wandering points for autonomous resonances
Limit Sets of Infinite Torus Orbit
The bifurcation of surface diffeomorphisms with negatively curved manifolds
Algorithmic entropy and quadratic variables in quasi-topological Dynamical Networks
Statistical reductions for reaction-diffusion equations
Geometrical electron capture of July 2000 To 1001
The Solar Dynamics Observatory
Constraining the White-Light Flare of Protostellar Outflows with an Edge
The New Color Laboratory Wave Event of Extremely Open Clusters
Post-M dwarfs from the NIR spectral indices
The UV-UV Observations of Sunspot Images
The Narrow-Band Temporal Properties of Dark Clouds with Accurate Supernova
Blazhko Relationship between Coronal Wave cores
Dynamics and Shock Wave Instability in Massive Stars with Massive Stars
hep-ph (0.74)
Search for CP-Violation in Right-Handed Neutrinos
Neutron Star Propagation as a Source of the Hadron-Hadron Scattering Measurement at the Planck Scale
Goldstone bosons and scattering modes from two-dimensional Hamiltonians
Baryogenesis with Yukawa Unified SUSY GUTs
Radial scattering and dense quark matter and chiral phase transition of a pseudoscalar meson at finite baryon density
Transition Form Factor Constant in a Quark-Diquark Model
A New Theory of Supersymmetry Breaking
Effective gluon propagator in QCD at zero and finite temperature and and dual gauge QCD in the BCS-BCS limit
Light scalar pair signals in top quark multiple polarization
Which of these are real? Which are fake?
1. A User-Friendly Code to Diagnose Chromospheric Plasmas
2. Shock Parameters in Astrophysics
3. Wormholes in the accelerating universe
4. Phase recovering by Electron Deconvolution on Gravitational Wave Signals
5. Averaging and Cosmological Observations
6. Developments of global mass function
7. VIMOS total transmission profiles for broad-band filters
8. Bayesian plane for MACS. Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
9. Gaseous Inner Disks
10. Science and Fluorescence Detection Time Scales with Transient Least Squares II. Mask coronagraphs
11. Dissipation of Magnetic Flux in Primordial Star Formation: From Run-away Phase to Mass Accretion Phase
12. High-energy Cosmic Ray Shower Observations on Pulsar Disk
13. Thermal inertia of near-Earth asteroids and implications for the magnitude of the Yarkovsky effect
14. Activity Ionization and Instrumentation
15. A 610 MHz Survey of the 1H XMM-Newton Chandra Survey Field
16. Estimating visible variability in the neutron a cross-correlations
Political speeches
Political treaties (eg. TPP)
DNA, RNA, protein sequences
Rap lyrics & poems
Paper abstracts