
Beautiful presentations in minimalist format

miniprez is a static, mobile-friendly version of webslides

The problem

  • I want simple and beautiful presentations.
  • Presentations that compile from text to interactive webpages.
  • Presentations that seperate content from style like Markdown.
  • Presentations that render mathematics and highlight code.

Oh, and they should work well* on mobile too.
*just show me the content!

The solution:

A python library written using pyparsing and Beautiful Soup . Miniprez compiles text into a single-page html presentation (like this one) with extra goodies. Emoji, font-awesome, LaTeX, and code highlighting are built in. Full-screen backgrounds and video can render behind the each screen. Slides are controlled with page-up and page-down and scrolled easily on mobile.

Slide 2

simple markdown support

Basic Markdown with tweaks!

  • 💪 bold **text**
  • 🔥 fire *text*
  • emph _text_
  • 💻 code `code`

Slide 3


Standard emoji and font-awesome

:battery: 🔋
:heart_eyes: 😍

Slide 4

math support

LaTeX rendered inline with KaTex

$P(x)=\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma ^2}}$
Slide 5

pretty code blocks

Syntax highlighting Google's code prettify
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = sort lower ++ [x] ++ sort higher
        lower = filter (< x) xs
        higher = filter (>= x) xs
Code blocks are context-aware
main() {
  char c = getchar();
  (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/') ? main(), main() : 0;
Slide 6

looping background animations

Embed/hotlink any video file (thanks Shutterstock !)

A pug and an Equation

this slide looks important right? It's not!

Thanks, you!